Package.json for Bootstrap WordPress theme

Here are the basics to get started with a fully customizable Wordpress theme based on the Bootstrap framework. It uses Yarn as package manager, Esbuild and SASS for JS and SCSS compilation respectively.

Yay, we’re on the new Bootstrap v5.0.2!

Bootstrap v5 has reached beta status. That means no more new features or breaking changes in the future releases of the V5 branch. We're testing it out on this website.

The right way to serve responsive images (srcset and sizes attribute) with WordPress and Bootstrap 5

The most confusing thing when you inspect responsive images is the fact that the browser takes into account the DPR (Device Pixel Ratio) in order to download the most appropriate image size. Find out here how to serve your visitors responsive images.

Discover how to override theme colors in Bootstrap 5 using Sass

Bootstrap 5 utilizes both theme-color("primary") and $primary color defintions. This article details how to override and extend the theme-colors using Sass.